Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Top 10 reasons why the 2s are sometimes truly "terrible":

10. "NO!" -Caleb
9.  Cups, books, toys, food, etc. are always being thrown completely across the room, store, library, playground, etc.
8.  "CALEB DO IT!!"
7. Me: "I love you Caleb!  Can Mommy have a hug or kiss?"  Caleb: "No hug and kiss . . . YUCK!"
6. Me:  "Do you want the red one or the blue one today?"  Caleb:  "Purple one"
5. Me: "That's not very nice.  I think maybe you need some time out." Caleb: "Yaaayy!  Caleb go to time out!" (said with a huge smile on his face)
4. Me: "What would you like for lunch today?" Caleb: "Enchiladas"  Me: "We are all out buddy, we'll have to choose something different."  Caleb: "Nooo all out!!!  Wwaahhhh, Caleb's crying and is sad!! (yes, he really says this)"
3. "I ride Annie like a horsie!" (This is Annie's reason for thinking this phase is terrible.)
2.  Being a much faster runner than me as he sneaks out of the play place at the mall and takes off running, full speed, with Mommy hauling tail behind him. Or as he hides behind a bookshelf at the library and keeps going in circles so I can't catch him.
1.  Caleb: "Where Daddy go?"  Me: "Remember, he's at work but he'll be back later."  Caleb: "Nooo!  Daddy at home and Mommy go work!" 

Ugh, parenting a toddler, especially one that's not always sugar and spice, can sure be difficult sometimes.  Oh well, at least he's cute! 

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha. You crack me up! I especially liked #4. Ian says that that he's sad and crying, too. :)Keep up the good work, Momma, even on those tough days. And, yes, thankfully you've got one cute kiddo! --Kim
