Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Through friends we learned about a wonderful little farm here in Spring that has a huge strawberry patch (or "Straw-bee-puhs" as Caleb calls them)!  One evening when the weather was nice we headed over to see what we could find.  The strawberries were ripe and there were tons!  They were a variety of strawberry that is smaller but boy, were they good!  Between the three of us we picked 9.5 pounds!  Caleb only took home about a pound in his belly too!  :o)  We were thinking that he might not be interested in picking the strawberries, but we were wrong.  He was a really good strawberry picker and was careful to only pick the red ones and put them (mostly) into the bucket.  He didn't lose interest and actually stayed with us the entire time.  It was a really fun evening for us . . . until we were about to leave . . .  As Kyle and Caleb were on their way back over to where I was picking, Caleb took a wrong turn.  He landed, KER-SPLAT, face down in a HUGE mud puddle!!!  He was covered, pretty much from head to toe, in goopy mud!  HAHA!  He was so upset that he was messy but thankfully the nice people at the farm helped to get him hosed off and gave him a shirt to wear home.  One of the owners even brought him some home grown bananas to make him feel better.  What nice people!  Here are a few pics from the day:

Daddy showing Caleb the fine art of strawberry picking.

sneaking a few!

look at that precious little strawberry covered face!

after the fall!  Love the hand prints and foot prints you can see in the mud!

Poor guy! 


  1. I would have totally missed his prints in the mud without you pointing them out...that is so funny. The prints...not the tears! =)

  2. You won my raok and I have no other way to contact you PLease email me (it won't let me leave my name except as anon)
    catladyfour4 @ yahoo dot com
    (this is katycouponers)
