Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Proud Parents

OK, so this entire post is just us bragging on our smart little guy.  :o)  Caleb is now 22.5 months old and impresses us every day with how much he is learning and picking up right now.  He is quite the "chatter-box" lately!  He loves to repeat everything he hears us say or what he hears on TV.  He mostly still talks in phrases but occasionally does in sentences.  One of his favorite things is singing along with songs like the theme songs from Calliou, Dinosaur Train, and Elmo's World, the Mickey Mouse song, This Little Light of Mine, etc. Some of his most often said and cute phrases include, "Mommy/Daddy hold you", "No, please", "Elmo Street Please", "Otay, Mommy/Daddy, otay", and "Run fast, race".

He also has started to recognize all of his little friends, even if he hasn't seen them in weeks.  Just the other day he saw a picture of some of his friends we had not seen in nearly a month and he called out their names when he saw the pics!  He also now gets really excited when we tell him they are coming over or we are going to their house.  It's so cute!  He also has started to say the names of all the characters on Sesame Street and gets so excited when he sees Elmo, Zoe, Abby, Big Bird, Grover, Cookie Monster, Tele, etc. that he calls out their name like they can hear him!  haha  

Lately he's a huge fan of counting too.  He can count to 13 by himself (even though he sometimes forgets four) and enjoys counting objects when he sees them in groups.  When he's in his playroom he loves to use his crayons to color pictures in his coloring books or on plain paper.  He also can now name all the main colors and tells you which one he wants to use. 

It's amazing to us how fast he has learned so much!  How do they soak it all up? 

Just because he's so stinkin' cute, here's a few pics:

Yes, he's figured out how the locks on the windows work!  Eek!

I've started getting this "attitude" look quite often.  Hilarious!

Mommy's favorite picture!  Look at those killer eyes.  :)  So sweet and handsome!!

Again, check out the gorgeous eyes! 

We had a few particularly warm days last week so he wanted to sit under his umbrella outside.  :)

Where's Caleb??  He's hiding from the bubbles!

Such a good helper!  Now, if only it actually worked . . . :)


  1. Hi Aliceson,
    It was so good to see you today! :) Thanks for sending me the link to look at all these adorable pics of your sweet little man! What a total doll face! Your new house looks lovely, too! Congrats!
    xoxo Meriann

  2. Such a cutie pie!

    I got the 5000iu d at kroger! The chewables too.
