Our dear Samuel is 3 months old! He is weighing in at 13 lb. 8 oz. and growing bigger everyday! This month Samuel has really started smiling a lot more. When he is a happy guy, he is
really happy! (Same goes for when he is sad!) He is back to waking up at least three times a night to eat (thankfully I lay him down awake but drowsy and he usually puts himself back to sleep) and takes several short naps throughout the day in the swing. Mommy is definitely ready for some longer sleep stretches to happen and stay that way! Hopefully soon. Samuel still nurses every 2-3 hours during the day and follows each eating session with two giant burps and spitting up several times. Thankfully his "spitting up" is nothing like Caleb's reflux was so as long as he's happy, we'll just keep washing burp cloths! :) This month he has found his hands and loves sucking loudly on them. Samuel still won't willingly take a paci although we have had minimal luck with the Mam brand. That one sometimes he will take for a few minutes before falling asleep.
Samuel loves to watch Caleb play and smile at him, sit in his bouncy chair while Mommy fixes meals, play on the floor with toys, and sit outside to wait for Daddy to come home at the end of the day. He has recently started laughing out loud, usually when Mommy or Daddy are kissing him or when Daddy is singing silly songs. This month we had a group of friends over for Valentine's Day, the first playdate at our house since Samuel has been born!
Month 3 Favorites:
- smiling
- walking around
- his hands
- standing up, stiffening his entire body
- looking around and tracking moving objects
Month 3 Dislikes:
- his carseat
- being sleepy
- 6:00 PM-bedtime
- Caleb crying
- when whoever is carrying him sits down
- diaper changes
- Letting Mommy and Daddy eat a meal together ;)
I had just pulled Samuel into the sunlight. This is always followed by a sneeze or two! He is one of the 20% of people that have photoptarmosis! haha |
Sammy surprisingly does pretty good at tummy time! He tolerates it for a few minutes at a time and loves looking at the toys in front of him. |
Love those chubby baby thighs!! |
Our two Valentines! |
Bundled up for a walk with Mommy and brother on a cool morning. |
These brothers look so much alike!
ReplyDeleteP.S. I dig your new header! :)
You are getting so big, Samuel! We love your expressive eyes and how happy you are much more of the time this month! You are a cutie! Did you know that Mr. Matt and Ian sneeze in the sunshine, too?