Thursday, March 31, 2011

Movin' On Up . . .

Wow, a lot has happened in the past almost 4 months since I've updated our blog!  (Sorry, by the way . . .)  It all started on January 3 when we decided to go look at a new house.  We have known for a while that Kyle's job was moving so we knew that living in The Woodlands wouldn't be forever.  Here we are, four months later, moved out of our house in The Woodlands, bought a new house in Spring, moved into the new house, put our old house on the market, sold it, and are slowly unpacking boxes and making our new house a home!  The new home is much bigger and has a much more toddler-friendly back yard!  So far it's been an awesome fit for our family!!!  Caleb's favorite thing these days is "outside, Mommy" as soon as he wakes up!  He loves running, playing with Annie, throwing balls, picking up "spikey balls" from the sweet gum tree, playing in the rocks, eating snacks at his picnic table, blowing bubbles, and drawing with sidewalk chalk when he's out there.  Inside he loves to play in his new play room (yea for all toys in one place!), climb upstairs, run around the kitchen, pull his stool up to the counter so he can get higher and see what Mommy's doing when cooking, locking himself inside rooms, and looking out the front window to watch trucks and cars drive by.  Here's a picture of our new abode:

Shoot me an email if you need our new address!

 Well, what you came here for - Caleb!  He is now 21 months old and is so much fun!  Seriously, this age is hilarious!  His little personality is really coming out and he has us cracking up all the time.  I think he's got a future as a class clown!  Thankfully he is still a great eater and sleeper.  He's sleeping every night from about 7:30 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. and then takes one afternoon nap that's about 2 hours long.  He loves sleeping with his stuffed Mickey Mouse, puppy pillow, two blankies, and two "a-chies" (pacis) - one for him and one for Mickey!  As far as eating, he is still eating us out of house and home ALREADY!  He eats three full meals a day and two snacks!  His favorites currently are oatmeal with either blueberries or peaches added in, tomatoes, crackers, tomatoes, fruit of any kind, and tomatoes.  :o)  He is talking up a storm all the time and mostly speaks in 2 word phrases.  He loves pointing out who different items belong to such as "daddy's shoes", "mommy's cup", "bay-bub's seat", "Annie's bowl", etc. He has just recently started looking for his friends at church and asks specifically for his buddy, Ian Schleicher, when we're there.  He usually attends the church service with us but visits the nursery during Bible study hour.  Thankfully, he's one that LOVES the nursery and always runs in, opens the door himself, and happily plays until we get back.  

Here are some recent pics of our little angel:  

playing in Annie's house!
Looking handsome after his first hair cut not done by mommy!

Yes, our child is a CLOWN!  He's figured out how to cross his eyes so he does it now when he wants some laughs!

Isn't he just precious?!!

So talented!  Sitting on a drum, playing piano, blowing the recorder, and singing at the same time!  He's a one-man band!

We have been blessed with a very loving, independent, explorer that makes us smile, laugh, and love more than we thought possible!  We love you "Lumpy"!!


  1. He is such a cutie! It must be something about teachers' children...I think Brazos is going to be a class clown, too! I bet it's nice to have all the toys in one place. Lucky you! Caleb has a beautiful smile that brightens the day!
