Monday, January 3, 2011

18 months!

A year AND A HALF!!  Can hardly believe it!  That means he's closer to TWO than he is to one!  Wow!  Our little sweetheart is such a joy.  We fall more in love with him each and every day.  He is such a happy, independent, determined, funny, loving little boy.  This month he has especially loved sharing kisses, hugs, and "eskimo kisses" with everything and everybody.  He loves looking for airplanes in the sky when we're outside and listening for them when we're inside, often hearing them before Kyle or I can!  He is quite the little chatter-box also!  I haven't tried to count the number of words he can say but at our 18 month check-up the doctor said that the "norm" was 5-10 words.  Caleb has WAY surpassed that!  Some of his words require a trained ear to decode but they are still words, consistently sound the same, and refer to the same objects.  The regular person wouldn't understand the difference between "mae-moe" (oatmeal), "bae-boes" (blueberries), "mel-moe" (Elmo), "me-me-mow" (Mickey Mouse), and "bappoe" (apple). However, Mommy, and usually Daddy too, almost always know what he's talking about!  He also likes to say "yeah", "no", "mick" (milk), "uck" (truck), "waawoe" (water), "neee" (orange), "nannie" (Annie), "veep" (sweep), MiMi, Nana, Papa/PawPaw, Mama, Daddeee, and MANY more.  I don't think he is ever quiet!!  :)  Caleb is quite the climber as well!  He now quickly climbs up on our couch and loveseat, the coffee table, hearth, his rocking chair, and the dishwasher if I forget to close it!  He has a "hiding spot" we can find him in often, behind the big curtain by the patio door.  He still loves to eat and will usually try most anything.  Using a spoon or fork has become a task he is quite good at these days.  His favorites are blueberries, oranges, beans, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, bananas, applesauce, cooked carrots, goldfish crackers, and pretty much anything Mommy cooks or we get at a restaurant!  At his 18 month check-up he was 30 lbs. 12 oz (95%), 34.25" tall (95%), and his head was 20" (>97%).  Our pediatrician said we should feed him as much as he wants to eat since he needs a lot of fuel to keep that big body going strong!  haha  Already "eating us out of house and home", as they say!

Well, I could go on and on about him and all he can do, say, and how awesome he is.  However, I know you just came here to see pics so here they are!

PASSED OUT in the car with his hat and "Mememow" after a super fun Christmas in Brenham! 

Sitting on Papa's present!

Yep, he still has his curls even after his first haircut!

Showing Mommy that he sees an elephant in this book!

still a climber!

Caleb in his hiding spot!

Choosing fruit at The Woodlands Children's Museum.

Cooking dinner for Mommy!

Being Mommy's Chauffeur!

Digging and playing trucks with Daddy at the museum.

Future fireman??

He loved the truck!

 . . . and the water table!

Daddy and Caleb's first fishing trip!

1 comment:

  1. So precious!! We think Caleb's a super sweet little boy, too! :)
