Monday, September 20, 2010

15 Months!

15 months . . . again, where does the time go?! We can't believe how big our little guy has gotten and how independent he is these days! He changes so much every day and seems to learn new things constantly! We had Caleb's 15 month doctor's appointment on Friday where he was a whopping 29 lbs. 6 oz. and 33.75" long! That puts him still at the very top of the charts. He's quite the "little giant" as our pediatrician put it. :)

His favorites these days include reading books, swinging, climbing on anything and everything, giving mommy heart attacks, and doing things by himself. He now only likes to eat sandwiches, bananas, and string cheese if you give him the whole thing for him to take a bite from! He still loves all fruits and most vegetables and doesn't care for meat. He gets his protein from scrambled eggs, cottage cheese, tofu, and peanut butter. He's getting into the "picky" phase for eating and makes it known (by throwing food) when he's not interested in trying something new.

Caleb loves to laugh and make others laugh with him. We are convinced he has a future as a class clown (which makes mommy, the teacher, a bit nervous). This past Sunday Caleb went to the church nursery to play during Sunday School hour for the first time. One of the ladies working picked him up, put him into the room, and Caleb never looked back! He did fabulous!!

Caleb can now identify his eyes, nose, mouth, tongue, ears, hair, knee, and toes. He can say the animal sounds for the dog and cat. He loves to point out pillows, balloons, dogs, cats, and hats when we are out and about. His most used phrases are "mama, puh (up)" and "ohhh, dada"!

Looking at books

One of Caleb's new favorite toys

One of the girls in my old MOPS group offered this awesome outside toy to us for free!  Caleb LOVES it!  Now if we can just have a little cooler weather to chase away the mosquitoes so we can enjoy it! 

As Caleb gets older he is getting more and more of mommy's curls!

Caleb went and got Annie's bowl, brought it into the living room to stand in it, using it as a step to try and climb on the coffee table. 

See his right eye . . . this is the result of one of those climbing adventures! 

We are so in love with our little guy and thankful to have him!!

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