Friday, July 23, 2010

We're still here!

No, we did not drop off the face of the Earth.  No, we did not forget about this blog.  Yes, we are super busy and this has gotten shifted to the bottom of the priority list.  Sorry.  Ok, now on to what you're really here for . . . Caleb!

Caleb is now a whopping 13 months old!!!  YIKES!  Where does the time go?   Here's a look back at just a little bit of what has happened since I last blogged:

Caleb had his first birthday on June 18, 2010!  We can't believe it has already been a year since I (Aliceson) was in that hospital pushing for four hours to meet this little guy.  It's sometimes hard to remember what our lives were like before he was here.  We still long for some of our freedoms to go and do as WE please, but we wouldn't change our lives right now for anything.  We are so in love with Caleb and feel so blessed to be chosen as his parents.  Thank you, God!  We had a birthday party for Caleb at Grogan's Point Park.  About 40 friends and family came to celebrate.  We had chili dogs, chips, cupcakes, and of course, Blue Bell!  You know how some one year olds are timid when it comes to tasting the cake for the first time . . . not Caleb.  He immediately dug right in and gobbled up his cupcake and ice cream!  He doesn't get much sweet stuff like that (other than fruit) so he was in heaven.  Unfortunately, we're pretty sure he's got a big sweet tooth like his parents.  Caleb got lots of wonderful gifts from those that attended the party.  Mommy made him a hooded towel which was perfect to go with the new pool, swim suit, and water toys he got.  We had such a busy, but fun day celebrating his life.

For the most common question we get asked these days . . . No, he is not walking yet.  And to follow up that question most people say, "Oh, that's good!  You don't want him walking because then you'll have to chase him."  Well, since he's not started walking yet I think it's safe for me to say that YES, I do want him to walk.  This child is H E A V Y!  He's soooo close to just taking off but hasn't quite built up the courage to do so.  He's a master crawler and actually has three different styles of crawling that he rotates between depending on what surface he's crawling on: regular (hands and knees) crawling, army (on his stomach) crawling, and what we affectionately call "Mowgli" crawling (hands and feet with his hiney in the air -- like Mowgli from The Jungle Book).  He's an incredibly fast crawler and as we've been told, fast crawlers are usually late walkers. We know he's going to walk in his own time and are not the least bit worried about him.  For now, we're content just waiting on the day when he will build up enough courage to let go and take off.  :)

At his one year doctor's appointment, Caleb was once again off the growth charts.  He weighed in at a whopping 28 pounds!  He's 32.5" long also!  The doctor was very pleased with how well he's doing and gave us the 'go-ahead' to start him on whole milk.  He drinks about 20 oz. of milk a day now and eats everything in sight.  His favorite foods continue to be avocado, blueberries, grapes, figs, peaches, tofu, carrots, peanut butter and banana sandwiches, and goldfish crackers.  He has recently started to like scrambled eggs, oatmeal, pancakes, peas, and corn.  Caleb, like Annie, still won't eat green beans at all.  His favorite words to say are "mama, dada, papa, nana, annie (which sounds a lot like nana), uh-oh, duck, and balloon".  He can make the signs for eat, please, thank you, more, all done, milk, cup, and bye.  Caleb loves crawling around while you chase him, turning pages in books, jumping in his bed, playing in Annie's water bowl, pulling mommy's cookbooks off the shelf, closing doors, looking out the window for daddy, helping mommy put clothes in the dryer, throwing balls, and pushing his fridge farm animal magnets under the oven.  He's a very active little guy and certainly keeps me busy all day!!  

Ok, now for what you really came here for -- pictures!

His first mohawk!  

Anytime the fridge opens, he's right there to help you get out whatever you need! 

Being silly!

Going shopping! 

Bath time is SO FUN!

So is tearing up the mail!  (with Annie's supervision, of course)

Enjoying blueberry pancakes for his birthday breakfast. 

Some of the personal touches Mommy put on Caleb's party.  

This is Caleb's FAVORITE game to play with Paw Paw Niemeyer.  

 It's a Frog Party!!

Family pic!  Who do you think Caleb looks like?

Devouring his cupcake! YUMMM! 

Blue Bell is pretty awesome too! 

Playing peek-a-boo with Aunt Kelee.

Caleb loves to swing! 

We surprised Daddy with tickets to an Astros baseball game for Father's Day.  Caleb wasn't a fan of not being able to get down and "go, go, go"! 

This is what innings 4-7 looked like for Caleb. 

Awake and smiling for the end of the game.  Too bad the Astros didn't win for us though.

Trying to catch the water squirting from his splash pad.

Doing his fake laugh!  It's soo cute!  When he hears others laughing (be it us, on TV, in the store, etc.)  he starts laughing really loud and obnoxiously . . . which makes us laugh . . . which makes him laugh . . . you get the picture!  He's such a ham!!  

I leave you with a picture taken the other day.  What a handsome guy!

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