Houston, we have a 15 month old! Crazy how fast time flies! Our sweetheart, Samuel, is growing like a weed. He's now 27 lb. 5 oz. (96%) and 31.5" (69%). He wears size 18 month clothes, 6.5 shoes, and size 5 diaper.
As for physical development, Samuel loves to run, climb, and kick! He can now get onto and off of our futon in the playroom and can almost climb onto the couch in the living room. He easily goes over ledges, up the ramp on the backyard fort, and goes up our stairs in record speed. He's not as skilled at going down the stairs (safely) but mostly that's because he loves playing upstairs in the game room and never wants to come down! He loves chasing balls outside and kicking them, just like when Caleb plays "soccer". Samuel seems to be a slower teether and still just has 6 teeth. (About a week after he turned 15 months he got a third lower tooth, bringing the total to 7!) He's constantly chewing on his hands and drooling lately though so we're expecting more to pop through any time.
Samuel is able to point to his belly button, nose, hair, eyes, tongue, and sometimes ears. He loves to pretend sneeze, cover his eyes to play peek-a-boo (saying "BOO" when he moves his hands away), turn off the light switches, and run the other way when you ask him to come. He still doesn't say much except "mama", occasionally "bubba", and just lately "yeah" while shaking his head "yes". He can do the signs for more, airplane, fish, water, and sometimes all done. When you're sitting on the floor, he loves to come sit on your lap to give hugs, kisses, and cuddle. He's the sweetest! Lately he has been copying what he sees and hears us all doing. He loves participating in what you're working on and mimicking the sounds he hears.
This boy, like his big brother, loves to eat! He can put it away! His favorite food is fruit, especially bananas. Even a picture of a banana gets a big smile, pointing, and pure excitement on his face! He prefers to eat all of a certain item he likes first but then almost always will go back and finish the rest of the food on his plate. He eats what we eat 99% of the time for meals and gets 1 afternoon snack (goldfish crackers, Kix cereal, or applesauce pouches are his favorite snack choices). We found out when trying him with whole milk after he turned a year old that he has some sensitivity issues with cow's milk. Since switching to almond milk, no more issues and he loves it!
Sammy is still very much a "mama's boy". He prefers Mama over anyone and can almost always be found sitting on Mama's lap, hanging on her legs, or chasing her (while loudly protesting) if she's walking away. He does not appreciate going to strangers, nor does he like it when strangers talk to him (usually complimenting him on his beautiful curls) in public. Thankfully he does pretty well in the church nursery on Sunday mornings while Mama, Daddy, and Caleb go to Bible study after church and on Monday mornings when Mama is at MOPS. A couple of weeks ago, friends of ours (and Samuel's godparents), Matt and Kim, watched both boys while we had a date night. Sammy cried for a minute when Matt took him but did great the whole time and even went to sleep for the night for them! Yay, Sammy!
Samuel Reid is such a joy (other than the 5:00 a.m. wake-up calls every morning - ha!)! We are so in love with him. His smile, his curls, his silly laugh are all just precious. He is such a a blessing to our family. We are so thankful God chose us to be his parents and are so happy to have a first row seat to watch him continue to grow! Love you, Sammy Jammy!!
"The Unloader" - showing off his unloading skills! |
Lacing car beads |
Helping Daddy fix the dishwasher |
So much sweetness! He just couldn't quite make it the 3 minute drive home after Mommy's MOPS meeting one day! |
Someone had a little bed head! |
Passed out right in the middle of the floor at the church nursery once! |
Being silly with brother |
This face! So silly and cute! He loves making this funny smiling face!! |
What a precious little one you are, Sammy! :) I love the pic of Sammy "helping" with the dishwasher repair ... and he looks SO old in the pic with Aliceson outside. I can't believe how fast he's growing. :)