*Sigh* Our baby boy is growing up WAY too fast. Last week on Wednesday he went to his first official day of school! For this school year he is attending Pre-Kindergarten at our church's school on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 8:00-3:00! We really wanted him to have a transition between being home all day with Mommy to being gone all day, every day for Kindergarten (and Mommy was certainly ready for someone else to take a turn entertaining our busy guy, answering his unending questions, and satisfying his curious nature for a little while!). This program is the perfect amount of time for him! Before the first day we spent a lot of time talking about school, watching children's shows where they talked about school, reading books about school, counting down the days on a calendar, etc. so Caleb has been so very excited! On Monday we went up to the school for a "Meet the Teacher" night (even though he has already met his teacher several times at church). Caleb walked right in, looked around, played with a few toys, read a couple of books, and found his name on various places around the classroom. Caleb has always been extremely independent, preferring to do things himself and not looking back or having ANY separation anxiety, even as a baby. Pre-K has proved to be no different! He is having a blast! Caleb loves his teacher and has made some new friends (there are only 2 little boys in his class that he knows from his Sunday School class - out of 17 students). Caleb now has to sleep upstairs all night in his own bed on school nights (he likes to come down after midnight to sleep on his "floor bed" - a pillow and blanket on Mommy and Daddy's bedroom floor otherwise) so that when he wakes in the morning he can get ready right away. He has a little chart upstairs showing him what to do to prepare himself for school so when he wakes in the morning he gets up, goes potty, brushes his teeth, and gets dressed before coming downstairs to put on his shoes and then eats breakfast -- all without help! It's just amazing how much they grow and change during this time of life! We are so blessed to be his parents!
Before we left for school the first morning we had to take a few pictures of him with his backpack and lunch kit, both were his choice, and his favorite shirt he chose for his first day of school (so he could remind Mrs. Oblinger he is so fast)! Love this handsome little guy!
Settling in on the first morning with some magna-tiles. |
Washing his hands before getting busy at his table! |
So excited to be in a Pre-Kindergartener! |
What a big boy you are, Caleb! So grown up...