Our dear Samuel is now seven months old! What a little sweetheart he is! This month's biggest development is him getting up to his knees (and sometimes his toes) in preparation for crawling! No real "crawling" yet but we're betting he will be taking off very soon! Samuel's separation anxiety has kicked in full-force this month. He is constantly turning around, looking for Mommy and crying if he can't see her. Samuel is very vocal and babbles, moans, and groans a lot, especially while eating. Speaking of eating, this boy can EAT. We went from somewhat worrying about his weight gain being too slow to now worrying he might be packing it on too fast! ha He has gained over 2 pounds in the last month and is now tipping the scales at 18 lb. 4 oz., exactly double his birth weight! Not only is he still nursing about 6-8 times a day but he is also eating tons of purees 3x a day as well. Mommy has made almost all of his food and he has loved everything so far! So far he has tried avocado, banana, sweet potato, green beans, peas, mango, oatmeal, peaches, pears, squash, applesauce, and pumpkin. We mix all of those things together in weird combinations to give his palate different flavors and so far he hasn't turned any down yet! Will he be like Caleb and be eager to try new foods and eat everything? Time will tell! As far as sleep goes - it's still a work in progress and very inconsistent. Some nights he'll go to sleep easily on his own, no fussing, sleep until about 1:00, eat, sleep again until 5:00. Other nights he's restless all night, only wants to be held, cries a lot, etc. He has a fairly consistent wake-time of "WAY too early" and is a habitual cat-napper. Of course, he loves to sleep while being held - what baby doesn't?!
Month 7 favorites:
- smiling
- laughing
- being tickled
- being carried everywhere
- the jumperoo (for a few minutes and as long as Mommy doesn't walk anywhere near to remind him he's not being held)
- putting his head on Mommy's shoulder
- pinching
- pulling hair and jewelry
- babbling
- throwing his spoon on the floor after eating
- tummy-time
- filling his diaper . . . again . . . and again . . . (repeat 4-6 times a day)
Month 7 dislikes:
- Mommy being out of sight
- having to wait on food to be prepared
- riding in the car (sometimes does better but still no guarantee of a quiet ride)
- sleeping late
- being put down
Hi-de-ho neighbor! |
Who needs chicken when you have a Chick-fil-a placemat?! |
Father's Day snooze with Daddy |
I need a diaper change . . . again. |
The "7 Months" sticker didn't last long! |
Planking! He's so strong!! |
Look at those precious baby blues! |
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