Today Samuel is officially 2 months old! Weighing in at 12 lb. 3.2 oz. (59.91%) and 23.25" long (60.68%). He had his first vaccinations (DTaP and Rotavirus) at his well-check. Dr. Stevens said he is growing well and looks perfect! We have had some BIG things going on this month. Most importantly, Samuel was baptized on January 13! We also celebrated Christmas, New Year, went to retirement celebrations for Great Uncle Jerry and Great Uncle Larry (retired from Blue Bell after 43 years of hard work) and Great Aunt Joann (retired from Sealy Mattress), made a couple trips to Brenham, and met more extended family members and friends. We also registered big brother Caleb to start Pre-K in the Fall (can't believe it!). Busy month! It has flown by!
Samuel still isn't a big fan of the paci (we do keep trying and he'll take it for a minute or two before forcefully sticking his tongue out and spitting at us!). He is now sleeping most nights from about 9-3, will eat, sleep again until 6, and then Mommy brings him into bed to eat/sleep off and on until big brother wakes up. He naps in the swing, sometimes for longer stretches but mostly still cat-naps several times a day. Mommy is ready for "real" naps so she can have some sort of a schedule and get back to making the house look presentable! (I apologize if you have visited lately and seen the 1" layer of dust on everything and the "clothes waiting to be folded" mountain on the couch!) Thankfully Samuel has spaced out his nursing sessions just a tiny bit. Instead of every 2 hours, he's pretty consistently every 3-4 hours now. Thankfully Samuel has not had any issues also taking a bottle so Mommy is able to leave the house and not worry if he will be hungry. What a blessing (and sanity saver for Mom)!
Month 2 favorites:
- smiling! (soooo cute!)
- cooing
- watching the ceiling fan (whether it's spinning or not!)
- looking around
- baths (hated them last month, now LOVES bath time)
- crying (Kyle and I have often joked that if a baby could cuss, Samuel would! He gets SOO upset sometimes and not much can calm him until he's done spitting, crying, and throwing a fit! Thankfully these episodes are getting fewer!)
- watching for Caleb
- "standing up" (pushing up on his legs when you try to put him into a sitting position)
Month 2 dislikes:
- the carseat
- being cold
- waking up
- being held in the colic hold (which was his favorite last month!)
- going to HEB
Samuel loving on Aunt Judy |
Mallory being an AWESOME cousin and Great Uncle Jerry |
Samuel and Luke |
So big!! :) |
Happy boy! |
Best friends! |
Samuel and Caleb with Great-Grandma |
We love you, Samuel!!!
AWWW!!! This Mimi is so proud! Like Caleb says, "he's so cute"! God Bless this beautiful family. Love y'all.
I love your new blog design and Samuel's two month pictures! I'm pretty sure Sandy would cuss too if she knew the words, because her crying is INSANE!
ReplyDeleteJust realized that you're back to blogging. Where have I been these past 8months? Ha! We love hearing what Samuel is up to. Super cute header and layout. Matt n Kim