Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Hard to believe it but our little guy is now a whopping TWO AND A HALF years old!  He is weighing in at a hefty 35-38 lbs. (depending on the scale and how still he is) and, according to Mommy and Daddy's measurements is about 37" tall.  One word to describe Caleb at this point in his life is FUN!  Some things Caleb is doing right now:

  •  He is is constant motion and loves to talk to anybody and everybody he meets.  He loves introducing Mommy and Daddy to strangers we meet at the store and usually tells them that his friends Ian and Big Caleb are at home.  
  • He loves making voices for different characters in books, different cars, stuffed animals, etc. and loves to "ask them questions".  He has quite the imagination!
  • One of his favorite things to do right now is puzzles.  He can independently complete several of his 12 piece puzzles (not peg puzzles - real kind that snap together) and has one 24 piece puzzle he can also do on his own.  
  • Caleb loves to sing at home and is not a fan of singing at our library's Toddler Time or Sunday School at church though.  He gets sort of shy and only wants to stay by one of us or wants to run around and jump in circles - not singing!
  • He prefers to do almost everything by himself, whether he really can or not!
  • He can often be heard saying, "I don't like _______ (fill in one of his former favorite foods or something he hasn't had in awhile)."
  • He usually follows every activity we have done in the past with "last night" and then if we say, "no, not last night" he then says "last week??".  :)  
  • He consistently recognizes the letters A, B, C, G, H, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, S, T, W, X, Y and sometimes gets the others as well.
  • He can count to 20 but still misses a few numbers along the way.  He can recognize the written numbers 1-9 most of the time. 
  • When we sit down to eat he insists on praying "God is great . . ." and if we start saying another prayer he gets louder saying "God is great " over the top of us!
  • He is sleeping in his toddler bed although it still takes sometimes 2 hours to get him down.  Mommy and Daddy are tired of this fight!  He now also loves to come down and snuggle in our bed sometimes in the middle of the night, sometimes in the morning.  
  • He gives great impromptu kisses and hugs . . . when HE wants to!  He's not a huge fan of forced hugs and kisses at night, for example, but sometimes will just run over and give a big hug, kiss, and "I love you"!  
  • His favorite foods right now are sandwiches, blueberries, oatmeal, avocado, tomatoes, milk (we've now discovered chocolate and strawberry milk), and anything sweet. 
We love our little crazy guy and are so proud to be his parents!!

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